Southern Coast Beach Tour - Free Upgrade to Private Tour Available
À partir de 897 €

Southern Coast Beach Tour - Free Upgrade to Private Tour Available

Forfait vacances
créé: samedi 28 septembre 2024
Ref ID: 13406149
prix par personne À partir de
897 €
Basé sur 2 adultes
créé: samedi 28 septembre 2024

Experience the diverse beauty of Sri Lanka on this six-day tour, starting with relaxation on the pristine beaches of Bentota. Explore the Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery, where you'll learn about turtle conservation efforts, and witness the unique tradition of stilt fishing in Weligama. Embark on an exhilarating whale-watching adventure in Mirissa, where you may spot majestic blue whales and playful dolphins in their natural habitat. The journey concludes with a cultural exploration of Galle, a historic city known for its well-preserved Dutch fort and charming colonial architecture.


Bentota: Discover one of the best areas for water sports such as water Scooter rides, wind surfing. Para-sailing, water skiing, and river cruising. 

Weligama: Spot five species of turtles-Green Turtles!. Feel on your toes the white sandy beaches, calm, placid and warm waters, and ideal for underwater activities and for Whale watching.

Galle: Travel back in time while exploring the historical streets of this well-preserved fortified Dutch colonial city.

Day 1: ARRIVAL COLOMBO – BENTOTA (100km – 1.5 hrs)

Upon arrival at Colombo Airport our representative will meet and greet you before guiding you to the transfer to your hotel in Bentota. Settle in your room before spending the rest of this first day at leisure. Bentota is the first National Holiday Resort developed by the Ceylon Tourist Board as a planned resort. Beruwela and Bentota are the best areas for water sports such as water scooter rides, wind surfing, water skiing, and river cruising. Beruwela has necessary facilities for Deep-sea Fishing and Wreck & Coral Reef Diving. Many interesting sightseeing tours are possible from here, such as the Turtle Hatchery, Garden Brief, Boat trips on Bentota River etc.

Overnight in Bentota


Breakfast at the hotel. Enjoy the day at leisure at the hotel or at the beautiful Southern coast.

Overnight in Bentota

Day 3: BENTOTA – KOSGODA – WELIGAMA (100km – 1.5 hrs)

After breakfast at the hotel check out and transfer to Kosgoda to visit a turtle hatchery. You will be able to witness five species of turtles-Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas), Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta), Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) and Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea).  The eggs collected by the Villagers and Fishermen are purchased by the Kosgoda Hatchery and kept in sandy pens until they are hatched. The newly hatched ones are kept in seawater tanks and released to the sea in the night. This Hatchery alone has released more than 1,750,000 young turtles to the sea. An endowment by the Hasselblad Estate was responsible for the establishment of this hatchery. Then, transfer to Weligama. Experience the dying tradition of Sri Lankan Stilt fishing. The practice started during World War II when food shortages and overcrowded fishing spots prompted some clever men to try fishing on the water. At first they used the wreckage of capsized ships and downed aircraft, then began erecting their stilts in coral reefs. Two generations of fishermen have eked out this physically demanding existence at dawn and dusk along a 30-kilometer stretch of southern shore between the towns of Unawatuna and Weligama.

Overnight in Weligama


Breakfast at the hotel. Then, transfer to Mirissa for a whale watching experience. The coast of Mirissa has sunny weather throughout the year, with white sandy beaches, calm, placid and warm waters, ideal for underwater activities and for whale watching.

Overnight in Weligama

Day 5: WELIGAMA – GALLE – COLOMBO (170km – 3 hrs)

After breakfast at the hotel check out and transfer to Galle for a city tour. Walk the Dutch-haunted streets listening to the creaks of wooden saloon doors and observe how European architecture mingles with South Asian traditions today flooding cultural enthusiasts on a global scale. Its original ramparts and bastions preserved up to date showcase evidence of a heritage preserved for more than 3 1/2 centuries. Walk clockwise within the fort to observe the 'old gate' carrying the British coat of arms. Flanking the old gate is the Zwart bastion - the oldest of all - and the lighthouse standing 18 feet in its glory next to the Point Utrecht Bastion. This Dutch bliss is painted with streets that spread in a rectangular grid pattern pierced with houses carrying Dutch colonial style verandas. Hop into the Dutch Hospital Shopping Complex to be mesmerized by an array of souvenir selections. However, its hallmark stands a reality where the Dutch fort remains a working community with its usual buzz of administrative offices, court complex, commercial buildings, churches and Southern folks frequenting its streets bracing the air of the Elysium of architecture. After exploring the city, transfer to Colombo.

Overnight in Colombo


After breakfast at the hotel transfer to Colombo Airport for your departure flight.

Comfortable and warm clothing is the most suitable for travelling. Visitors should not wear sleeveless shirts, shorts, short skirts or skimpy clothing when visiting temples, religious or official buildings. Shoes should be removed before entering a temple or private house. Sun protection, sunglasses, a hat and mosquito repellent can be very useful during your stay.

prix par personne À partir de
897 €
Basé sur 2 adultes
Réservez directement sans modifications
Résumé du voyage
2 Adultes
nuits 5
Cette idée inclut
Destinations 3
Tours 1
Résumé de la tournée
Langues du guide


  • Operado con chófer-guía de habla inglesa


  • 5 noches de alojamiento


  • 5 desayunos


  • Traslados de llegada/salida desde y hacia el aeropuerto de Colombo
  • Transporte compartido durante todo el recorrido


  • Todas las entradas y actividades mencionadas en el itinerario: visita al criadero de tortugas en Kosgoda, observación de ballenas en Mirissa, recorrido por Galle


  • Conoce y saluda el primer día
  • Almuerzo y cena durante todo el recorrido.
  • Cualquier otro servicio no especificado anteriormente.
  • Gastos de carácter personal, bebidas y comidas o artículos no indicados explícitamente en el programa
  • Propinas para conducir y guiar
  • Permisos de cámara de vídeo y fotografía en el Templo de la Reliquia del Diente en Kandy
  • Excursiones y actividades opcionales
  • Seguro de viaje o cualquier pérdida o coste adicional que surja debido a circunstancias imprevistas, como retrasos en los vuelos, accidentes, etc.
  • Entradas a lugares de interés no mencionados en la sección incluida
Mesures d’adaptation prévues


Día 1-2 Bentota:

Categoría de hotel estándar = Serandib Beach Resort o similar 2*

Categoría de hotel superior = The Surf o similar 4*

Categoría de hotel Deluxe = Cinnamon Bey o similar 5*

Día 3-4 Weligama:

Categoría de hotel estándar = Hotel J o similar 3*

Categoría de hotel superior = Ubuntu by Lantern o similar 4*

Categoría de hotel de lujo = Cabo Weligama o similar 5*

Día 5 Colombo:

Categoría de hotel estándar = GSH Colombo o similar 4*

Categoría de hotel superior = Ozo Colombo o similar 4*

Categoría de hotel Deluxe = Cinnamon Grand o similar 5*

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